Sewing Goals for 2015

Happy New Year everyone!!

Have you made any resolutions? I don’t tend to make them… I’ve never kept one. A year is a long time!

But what I have decided to do is jump on the bandwagon and make some little promises to myself to either improve my sewing or broaden my skillset.

Sewing Goals for 2015

I feel that I have improved a lot since April when I started sewing regularly. I’ve started dressmaking, for one! I’ve made bias binding; I’ve sewn with a few tricky fabrics; I’ve made gifts I’ve been happy to give. [I’ll share some of these soon!] But I still have some way to go until I consider myself a fully fledged seamstress!!

So here are the things I propose to accomplish this year:

Sew something every week. Finish a project and start another. Just keep sewing all year!

Use A LOT of the fabric from my stash before buying new. This means I need to make some small things because I have a lot of fabric about the size of fat quarters but not a lot that’s bigger than 1m. I don’t have a big stash compared to a lot of other bloggers, but I also don’t have a big house!!

Make a quilt. That’ll use some small bits up 🙂

Refashion a few items I have hanging around – a (stretchy!) maxi skirt, a sweatshirt, some t-shirts.

Make my daughter a costume for World Book Day instead of sticking her in a ready-made one (unless her favourite book is genuinely one of which she already owns a costume for!) [Never have I done this!]

Sew with knits. Make a Coco dress and/or top like everyone else in the sewing world!

Try some embroidery. The little bundle of embroidery skeins that came in my Sewing Santa gift really was the little push I needed to try embroidery. I have embroidered in the past – years ago – but I have never actually embroidered a whole picture. I have done some little cross stitches in the past, actually… you can make really sweet motif etc., can’t you. And I will this year!

And a bit of studying when my hands need a rest: learn more about different fabric types. I learnt everything in school but remember very little of the jargon now. I do find it hard to buy the right fabric for dressmaking.

I think that’ll do! Oh, one more – finish a project before starting another one!! Ha, I will try!

So will you make some sewing resolutions? I wonder if I could pinch any more ideas…

Beth x

30 thoughts on “Sewing Goals for 2015

  1. Pingback: Grown Up Colouring + Me-Made-May 2015! | After Dark Sewing

  2. Pingback: Joining the Coco Brigade! | After Dark Sewing

  3. Pingback: Elmer the Elephant Outfit ~ World Book Day 2015 | After Dark Sewing

  4. I love making goals! I think of it as a chance to examine my life and make sure I’m getting the most out of my days. My sewing goals for this year are mainly to sew a lot 🙂 and whittle down the fabric stash.

    You’ll love sewing with knits once you get the trick of it. Knits are more forgiving than wovens.


    • Definitely agree. Everyone wants to whittle down their fabric stash!! Good luck with that!!
      Ahhh I can’t wait to sew with knits! Knowing me I’ll probably just get the hang of it at the beginning of summer though!!


  5. I’ve just re-read your resolutions, and pretty much without exception they could (and probably should) all apply to me as things I should be doing! Although I would have to make my own WBD costume to wear to school – a scary thought! All great ideas, and I look forward to hearing how you get on 🙂


  6. I definitely agree with the fabric stash thing – I can’t help but add to my fabric collection, even though I have more than enough already! I’d also love to sew more often – not sure I could manage to sew something every week though!


  7. Whilst stash busting is a necessary task, I do so love to see a growing pile of pretty fabric waiting for the perfect project! Look forward to seeing you tick some goals off your list – there’s nothing quite like public declaration to motivate you!!


  8. Just scrolling through your comments and saw my name, made me smile 🙂 I actually find knits almost easier now, and certainly a lot quicker. The Coco’s certainly a good starting place, but I’d also put a Mabel on your list too! Happy New Year and good luck with your stash busting…


  9. Excellent goals! We shall have to stay strong in our stash busting pledges: I’ll look forward to seeing how you use up your little bits and pieces. And defo try knits: they aren’t scary again and they will change your life! SO COMFY!
    Have a fabulous 2015 x


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